Wednesday 15 December 2010

Final Video

We spent a large amount of time putting together this video and kept slightly altering the video until we finally made the perfect version of our video that we both really liked. Here it is:

Preparing For Final Video

Now we had the feedback that we needed to make our video better we decided that we would arrange another date to get lots more footage so that we would have more shot to work with when making the final video. We arranged it with Leah to come out for another shoot with us wearing exactly what she had on at the previous shoot so we could easily link the different clips together. We decided we would make sure we got lots of new shots as both the teachers said that we had too much nature in the previous draft they saw.
As Sheena said that there was little link between the video and the words in the song we decided that we would try make them link better. The song that we are using by chris barratt is about a break up so we decided that we would take some new shots of Leah breaking up with her boyfriend, meaning that the song linked in with the video a bit better.
Finally both of the teachers we asked said that they were confused with why our character was walking around the woods and how she got there. This meant that when we were going to re-shoot we would try to bring in a break up and then have leah walk off from the break up and end up in the wood all upset. This would be the perfect way to link in how she got to the woods and would mean that we had completed the changes that the teachers recomended us to make.
We needed a male to be in the video too so that we could act out the break up at the begining of the video. As we thought together we decided that we would use me as I fit the part quite well.
We decided that we would need a previous location to film the break up too so we decided that we would use my house, my garden and my road for this location. We also decided that we would have me crying as Leah walks away meaning that we would have to get an onion to make me cry.
Now we were preppared all we needed to do was film the new shots and edit them into the video to make our final video.

Storyboarding For Final Shoot

After getting our feedback we decided that to give a story to the video, and that we we should add in what happened before hand, in the lead up to her being in the woods. We decided the best way to do this is to film a "break up " between Leah and another character, as that would bring in the link with the song, as some of the key lyrics in the song are;
" I gave you all I got, you wouldn't have it" and " You go your way and i go mine"

if we bring this connection in visualy, then it would be a more successfull products as that is a major convention of a music video.

We then sketched down some ideas for possible shots, and the order we want them to be in. Here is our hand drawn story board;


Now that we had our second draft of our video we decided that we would ask some other teachers within the department to find out what they thought of our video. We asked Sheena and Jason to give us some tips onto how to make our video better and what they recomend that we change about it. They both said that they thought the video looked good but there were a few critasisms that they had.
  • Both of the teachers said that in the video our clips of the nature lasted too long and there were more shots of nature than there was of our character.
  • Sheena said that there was little linking between our video and the words in the song we had
  • And they both said that they were confused on why our character was in some woods walking round aimlessly.
We were pleased with this feedback that we were given as we now knew what we had to work on to make our video a better product.

Second Draft

Here is our Second draft. We did this draft on CS4 Adobe Premier Pro. We chose to use this program instead of imovie09 as we would be able to add a lot more effects and make a more profesional job of the video. We used the same shots that we had taken from our first shooting we had but changed them round so that the video flowed better.  We prefered our second draft a lot more than our first draft. We published the draft onto youtube and then started looking for more imporvements. This is what we made as our second draft:

Thursday 9 December 2010

Final Poster

Here is my final poster product, i slightly edited the previous draft by making the Heading slightly brighter so it stood out. I also moved around the text at the bottom of the page. I then added a a chris barratt website and finally added a record label and record address to make it seem like a genuin poster looking quite proffessional.
I was very happy with my final product as i tink it looks very eye catching and appealing. I think it looks like quite a profesional job.

Poster Development

I decided that i prefered this poster out of the two drafts I made, but i thought it looked a bit too basic so decided i would add different pictures into the poster meaning there would be more than one image in the in the centre of the poster. I thought this would make it more appealing. 

Here is the porduct i came up with. I liked it a lot more than the other one but wasnt quite perfect.

I decided i would edit it a little more to make it my final product.