Thursday 9 December 2010

Photos for the Front Cover

On the day we were out filming we decided that we would take advantage of having Leah and would do a small photoshoot. These photos would then be used for out ancillary products and we took roughly 200 pictures meaning that we would have a great variaty of different pictures to pick from when making our CD cover. Here are 12 ideas that we came up with that could potentially look good for our single cover for the CD "what better place than here". The front cover is important for the selling of the CD and what the album is like. You can see that the photos we have chosen show leah quite upset and quite serious which reflects in the song we have used, and you can also see that she is positioned in the environment that the video was set meaning they would link quite well.
Now we had the 12 potential covers we had to chose which was our favourite.

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