Wednesday 15 December 2010


Now that we had our second draft of our video we decided that we would ask some other teachers within the department to find out what they thought of our video. We asked Sheena and Jason to give us some tips onto how to make our video better and what they recomend that we change about it. They both said that they thought the video looked good but there were a few critasisms that they had.
  • Both of the teachers said that in the video our clips of the nature lasted too long and there were more shots of nature than there was of our character.
  • Sheena said that there was little linking between our video and the words in the song we had
  • And they both said that they were confused on why our character was in some woods walking round aimlessly.
We were pleased with this feedback that we were given as we now knew what we had to work on to make our video a better product.

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