We spent a large amount of time putting together this video and kept slightly altering the video until we finally made the perfect version of our video that we both really liked. Here it is:
Wednesday, 15 December 2010
Preparing For Final Video
Now we had the feedback that we needed to make our video better we decided that we would arrange another date to get lots more footage so that we would have more shot to work with when making the final video. We arranged it with Leah to come out for another shoot with us wearing exactly what she had on at the previous shoot so we could easily link the different clips together. We decided we would make sure we got lots of new shots as both the teachers said that we had too much nature in the previous draft they saw.
As Sheena said that there was little link between the video and the words in the song we decided that we would try make them link better. The song that we are using by chris barratt is about a break up so we decided that we would take some new shots of Leah breaking up with her boyfriend, meaning that the song linked in with the video a bit better.
Finally both of the teachers we asked said that they were confused with why our character was walking around the woods and how she got there. This meant that when we were going to re-shoot we would try to bring in a break up and then have leah walk off from the break up and end up in the wood all upset. This would be the perfect way to link in how she got to the woods and would mean that we had completed the changes that the teachers recomended us to make.
We needed a male to be in the video too so that we could act out the break up at the begining of the video. As we thought together we decided that we would use me as I fit the part quite well.
We decided that we would need a previous location to film the break up too so we decided that we would use my house, my garden and my road for this location. We also decided that we would have me crying as Leah walks away meaning that we would have to get an onion to make me cry.
Now we were preppared all we needed to do was film the new shots and edit them into the video to make our final video.
As Sheena said that there was little link between the video and the words in the song we decided that we would try make them link better. The song that we are using by chris barratt is about a break up so we decided that we would take some new shots of Leah breaking up with her boyfriend, meaning that the song linked in with the video a bit better.
Finally both of the teachers we asked said that they were confused with why our character was walking around the woods and how she got there. This meant that when we were going to re-shoot we would try to bring in a break up and then have leah walk off from the break up and end up in the wood all upset. This would be the perfect way to link in how she got to the woods and would mean that we had completed the changes that the teachers recomended us to make.
We needed a male to be in the video too so that we could act out the break up at the begining of the video. As we thought together we decided that we would use me as I fit the part quite well.
We decided that we would need a previous location to film the break up too so we decided that we would use my house, my garden and my road for this location. We also decided that we would have me crying as Leah walks away meaning that we would have to get an onion to make me cry.
Now we were preppared all we needed to do was film the new shots and edit them into the video to make our final video.
Storyboarding For Final Shoot
After getting our feedback we decided that to give a story to the video, and that we we should add in what happened before hand, in the lead up to her being in the woods. We decided the best way to do this is to film a "break up " between Leah and another character, as that would bring in the link with the song, as some of the key lyrics in the song are;
" I gave you all I got, you wouldn't have it" and " You go your way and i go mine"
if we bring this connection in visualy, then it would be a more successfull products as that is a major convention of a music video.
We then sketched down some ideas for possible shots, and the order we want them to be in. Here is our hand drawn story board;
" I gave you all I got, you wouldn't have it" and " You go your way and i go mine"
if we bring this connection in visualy, then it would be a more successfull products as that is a major convention of a music video.
We then sketched down some ideas for possible shots, and the order we want them to be in. Here is our hand drawn story board;
Now that we had our second draft of our video we decided that we would ask some other teachers within the department to find out what they thought of our video. We asked Sheena and Jason to give us some tips onto how to make our video better and what they recomend that we change about it. They both said that they thought the video looked good but there were a few critasisms that they had.
- Both of the teachers said that in the video our clips of the nature lasted too long and there were more shots of nature than there was of our character.
- Sheena said that there was little linking between our video and the words in the song we had
- And they both said that they were confused on why our character was in some woods walking round aimlessly.
Second Draft
Here is our Second draft. We did this draft on CS4 Adobe Premier Pro. We chose to use this program instead of imovie09 as we would be able to add a lot more effects and make a more profesional job of the video. We used the same shots that we had taken from our first shooting we had but changed them round so that the video flowed better. We prefered our second draft a lot more than our first draft. We published the draft onto youtube and then started looking for more imporvements. This is what we made as our second draft:
Thursday, 9 December 2010
Final Poster
Here is my final poster product, i slightly edited the previous draft by making the Heading slightly brighter so it stood out. I also moved around the text at the bottom of the page. I then added a a chris barratt website and finally added a record label and record address to make it seem like a genuin poster looking quite proffessional.
I was very happy with my final product as i tink it looks very eye catching and appealing. I think it looks like quite a profesional job.
Poster Development
I decided that i prefered this poster out of the two drafts I made, but i thought it looked a bit too basic so decided i would add different pictures into the poster meaning there would be more than one image in the in the centre of the poster. I thought this would make it more appealing.
Here is the porduct i came up with. I liked it a lot more than the other one but wasnt quite perfect.
I decided i would edit it a little more to make it my final product.
Poster Drafts
I started to design my own drafts of my ancillary products of the poster I would be using for my final design. On the posters I made I included all the classic conventions of a pubsished poster so my poster became more realistic.
Here is the first design i came up with:
Here is another idea I had:
Now i had some drafts I could chose my favourite one and change it until it was perfectly the way i liked it.
Images for my Poster
When we went out filming we took roughly 200 photos as well. Out of all the photos i have chosen these 12 as my favourite ones for a poster or magazine article. I chose these photos because i found them all quite eye catching and i could picture them working nicely on a poster.
I will now chose my favourite images and come up with some drafts of different ideas for my potential poster.
Back Cover Development
We decided that this was our cover that we would use, so here are four different versions of the back cover we made. As you can see we slightly altered the poisitoning of the text and the amount of fade and effects we used of the text. We spent quite a bit of time altering this until we found the exact cover we wanted.
Back Cover Ideas
Here are four different ideas that we came up with for the back dcover of our album. We tried to keep the ideas simple but effective and just tried different ideas by moving the text around the page to different positions. We also tried to use different fonts but tried to make it match the front cover we made. We used all the conventions that a CD backcover would have, even including the barcode. Now we just had to chose which was our favourite.
Development of Front Cover
From looking at the 4 front cover drafts we had we chose our favourite one, we chose this image as the image colours and the text work really well together and it seems like quite a proffesional job. We decided we would slightly change the design we had to fine the most effective front cover we could get. After spending time slightly editing the front cover we came up with the final product.
Front Cover Ideas
Here are four possible front covers we made up. We tried to make them look simple but effective. I think that this approach looks a lot more attractive and more appealing for the buyer. We positioned the writting on the cover either at the top or at the bottom of the page so it wasnt covering the eyecatching images we chose. As the images on the front covers are fairly classic and retro, we decided we would use a text font that would match the image type. We chose Georgia as it is a standard fairly classic font that would fit in nicely with the front cover.
Photos for the Front Cover
On the day we were out filming we decided that we would take advantage of having Leah and would do a small photoshoot. These photos would then be used for out ancillary products and we took roughly 200 pictures meaning that we would have a great variaty of different pictures to pick from when making our CD cover. Here are 12 ideas that we came up with that could potentially look good for our single cover for the CD "what better place than here". The front cover is important for the selling of the CD and what the album is like. You can see that the photos we have chosen show leah quite upset and quite serious which reflects in the song we have used, and you can also see that she is positioned in the environment that the video was set meaning they would link quite well.
Now we had the 12 potential covers we had to chose which was our favourite.
Now we had the 12 potential covers we had to chose which was our favourite.
Film First Draft
Here is the first draft we made of our music video. We were very happy with how the filming went and all the footage we managed to get. We managed to use our storyboard for some of our key shots we needed. Once we had loaded all the footage onto the computer we edited this draft in imovie 09.
Once the draft was finally done we were really happy with the product we had made and knew that we had a good first draft that we would be able to work on. We published our draft on youtube and then started looking for more imporvements, asking people within our group about any changes they would make so that we could make a better version for our second draft using this audience feedback.
Here is the first draft:
Once the draft was finally done we were really happy with the product we had made and knew that we had a good first draft that we would be able to work on. We published our draft on youtube and then started looking for more imporvements, asking people within our group about any changes they would make so that we could make a better version for our second draft using this audience feedback.
Here is the first draft:
First Filming
The day soon came at the end of October on the 25th we went out hoping to catch all the footage we would need for our actual music promo video. The weather was nice and sunny, but fairly cold meaning that the scene was set nicely and we would be able to spend time gettin the shots that we wanted.
We managed to get a large amount of filming done meaning we would easily be able to throw together our first draft of the video. At 11oclock on the day when our model turned up we started shooting. We were in the woods until roughly half two just constantly filming our character doing the different shots that we needed within the woods.
Now that we had these shots we had to get on with our editing...
We managed to get a large amount of filming done meaning we would easily be able to throw together our first draft of the video. At 11oclock on the day when our model turned up we started shooting. We were in the woods until roughly half two just constantly filming our character doing the different shots that we needed within the woods.
Now that we had these shots we had to get on with our editing...
Key Shots
We decided that in the time we had we would plan several key shots that we could potentially use. This was to give us a guidance on the day of just a few ideas that we could use. We will be adding a lot more shots when we go out and it will depend on the weather and the different locations we could use that could depend on what shots we use!
Just a few key shots we could use:
Duration/ 13 seconds
Description/ Camera pans around, various camera angles and shots. Just before end, Model enters. Rougghly 5 different shots.
Slugline/ Woods- Day
Camera Movement/Pan, Track, CU, LA , MS, LS
Figure Movement/ Shuffles feet through leaves.
Edits/ Cut edits.
-No Music at intro
-Diegetic sound of birds and running water.
-No Dialogue.
Shot 2
Duration/ 7 seconds
Description/ Leah moves feet through dried Autumn Leaves.
Slugline/ Woods - Day
Camera Movement/ HA Track along side feet.
Figure Movement/ Walking gently through leaves.
Edits/ Cut
Soundtrack/ "What better place than here - Chris Barratt"
Key shot
Duration/ 4 seconds
Description/ Bare feet in Water
Slugline/ River - Day
Camera Movement/ Fixed HA MCU on feet in water.
Figure Movement/ No movement.
Edits/ Cut
Soundtrack/ "What better place than here - Chris Barratt"
Key shot “You go your way and I'll go min”
Duration/ 4 seconds
Description/ Holding hands and then release with the lyrics.
Slugline/ Woods - Day
Camera Movement/ CU using selective focusing on hand.
Figure Movement/ Release grip after 2 seconds.
Edits/ Cut
Soundtrack/ "What better place than here - Chris Barratt"
Key shot “And what better time than now”
Duration/ 4 seconds
Description/ Pocket watch swinging around neck-
Slugline/ Woods - Day
Camera Movement/ MCU on chest
Figure Movement/ Walking
Edits/ Cut
Soundtrack/ "What better place than here - Chris Barratt"
Key shot
Duration/ 4 seconds
Description/ sat on chair on the other side of the river, facing the other way (enigma) Acoustice guitar propped up next to the chair.
Slugline/ Riverside - Day
Camera Movement/ LS fixed
Figure Movement/ Sat still, looking at pocket watch.
Edits/ Cut
Soundtrack/ "What better place than here - Chris Barratt"
Key shot
Duration/ 4 seconds
Description/ Umbrella dropped open upside down in the river and begins to drift down it.
Slugline/ Riverside - Day
Camera Movement/ Pan as the umbrella passes it then MS to LS as the umbrella gets further away
Figure Movement/ No figure
Edits/ Cut
Soundtrack/ "What better place than here - Chris Barratt"
Key shot
Duration/ 4 seconds
Description/ silhouette of Leah’s head
Slugline/ Woods - Day
Camera Movement/ No movement, MCU LA.
Figure Movement/ No movement
Edits/ CUt
Soundtrack/ "What better place than here - Chris Barratt"
Here we sketched out some ideas of the shots and how we wanted them to look;
We first visited several locations that we thought could be good for the shoot but found that we thought the best place for it would be the place where we shot our preliminary task in Carrwood Woods in Bramhall which is just round the corner from my house.
Here are a few images of the sorts of location we would be using
Tuesday, 30 November 2010
Our Character
The Track
The Song that we will be using for our final video is is "What better place than here - Chris Barratt"
The lyrics are
It's not that easy being true to yourself
It's not that easy when you're getting older
It's not that easy being true to yourself
They grey hairs on your head in the mirror
You go your way and I'll go mine
What better place than here
And what better time than now
It's not that easy being true to yourself
You can't deny that you take advantage
It's not that easy being true to yourself
I gave you all I got, you wouldn't have it"
The lyrics are
It's not that easy being true to yourself
It's not that easy when you're getting older
It's not that easy being true to yourself
They grey hairs on your head in the mirror
You go your way and I'll go mine
What better place than here
And what better time than now
It's not that easy being true to yourself
You can't deny that you take advantage
It's not that easy being true to yourself
I gave you all I got, you wouldn't have it"
Now we have finished all our research for our music promo video we are now practically reaqdy to shoot. We have booked our character Leah in for our shoot and now a shoot date of the 25/10/2010. As we managed to give Leah notice in advance it meant that we had the time to work out exactly what we would be doing on the day.
My friend has now sent us a draft of his song that we will be using. This means that we are now able to storyboard what our plan of action will be as we still have time before the shoot date so we are as prepared as we possibly can be. We will have to gather up our props and costumers for the day. From listening to the song and looking into the lyrics of it we got an idea of the perfect image that we wanted our character to have to fit in with the genre of the music.
The next step is the planning section!
My friend has now sent us a draft of his song that we will be using. This means that we are now able to storyboard what our plan of action will be as we still have time before the shoot date so we are as prepared as we possibly can be. We will have to gather up our props and costumers for the day. From listening to the song and looking into the lyrics of it we got an idea of the perfect image that we wanted our character to have to fit in with the genre of the music.
The next step is the planning section!
Wednesday, 13 October 2010
Monday, 4 October 2010
Preliminary Video
Me and my partner decided that we would get out with the cameras to find ourselves a good location for our music promo video. We plan to have a character in the final music video we make, but unfortunately she was busy when we were venturing out. Even though we didnt have our character we decided whilst we were out that we would practice taking some shots that could look good and would help us think of more ideas when producing our final video. We ended up in Carrwood Woods in Bramhall and liked the locations that we found. Whilst we were out the weather was a bit unreliable but we managed to use it to our advantage and caught some good shots when practicing different camera angles and effects. Here is what we caught:
Saturday, 25 September 2010
Moodboard for Audience Research
Here is some audience research I did. I decided I would make a moodboard showing the sorts of things that i think my ideal audience would be interested in.
I wanted to create a moodboard showing exactly the sorts of people i would be basing my music video on:
- they will be age rage: 15-30
- Interested in Gigs and festivals
- Likes to drink
- Dresses in vintage/ indie clothes
- shops at Afflecks Palace
- Always has their Ipod
- Listens to their music on Itunes
- Always downloading new music off limewire
- Interested in Skins and that way of life
- Socialises all the time
- keeps up to date with Facebook on their phone
- likes to play their own music
- Likes to read Kerrang and NME
These are the perfect ideal audience for my music video.
Friday, 24 September 2010
Friday, 17 September 2010
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